Membership Fees

A $750 yearly membership fee, which includes a $100 nonrefundable application fee, is required to be submitted with your application. This fee is applied to annual dues if membership is granted. Also, payment plan will be able to be selected upon approval of RHN membership. Our calendar year runs from January to December, to coincide with our annual international RHN conference in Jan/Feb every year. Each year members will be billed an annual renewal of $750 in which can also be paid at the Jan/Feb conference.

Payment Options
Full payment – $750
Bi-annual payment – $800 ($400.00 x 2)
Quarterly payment – $900 ($225.00 x 4)
Monthly payment – $960 ($80.00 x 12)

Payment Guidelines

Payment. RHN expects client to make payment on time as agreed upon between client and RHN organization.

Late Payment. If client chooses any RHN payment plan, then Client shall pay to Ram’s Horn Network (RHN) all fees within seven (7) days of their due date. Failure of Client to finally pay any fees within seven (7) days after the applicable due date then it shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement, justifying suspension of the performance of the “Services” provided by RHN, will be sufficient cause for immediate termination of this Agreement by RHN. Any such suspension will in no way relieve Client from payment of fees, and, in the event of collection enforcement, Client shall be liable for any costs associated with such collection, including, but not limited to, legal costs, attorneys’ fees, courts costs, and collection agency fees.

Non-payment within 3 days after due date, client will receive an email as a reminder of RHN service payment is due.

Non-payment within 5 days after due date, client will receive a phone call as a 2nd reminder of RHN service payment is due.

Service will be terminated if payment is not received within 7 days of due date

Communication from client to Ram’s Horn Network Executive Leadership Team SHALL be made to request for an extension on payment to RHN services. An extension SHALL be voted on to approve or deny by the RHN Executive Leadership Team.

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