Psalms 27:14a (TPT): ”Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord…”

**Entwined – closely connected or unable to be separated

  • they closely resemble or are linked to each other, and they are difficult to separate or identify

(Entwined” emphasizes how our relationships with others have the power to shape our lives and influence our choices.)

Father we thank you for this day. Each day we draw closer to you. We shall let nothing separate us from your love. We are entwined as one with you; “Not knowing where You picked up and we left off or we picked up and You left off,” as Apostle says. We are entwined with one another as a Network, nothing shall separate us. We shall move in you Father as one unit; flowing together with you and with one another. 


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